Sex & Relationships Matter and Sexual Violence & Exploitation Product Bundles
Help Young People Develop Confidence In Their Relationships
Start Sex and Relationship Conversations
48 Questions to help young people
- contribute their own experience and opinions
- feel listened to
- think about different issues
- hear different perspectives and views
- develop skills and confidence to enjoy and take responsibility for their relationships
Learning and talking about sex, sexuality and relationships provides the foundation for young people to enjoy and take responsibility for their relationships
This edition of Fink Cards gets young people thinking and talking about relationships and sex. It provides an opportunity to think about different issues and hear different perspectives and views.
Sex & Relationships Matter allows them to contribute their own experience, views and opinions and feel listened to.
Raise Awareness of Important Subjects
Start Sexual Violence and Exploitation Conversations
48 Questions to help young people
- properly understand consent
- think about different types of exploitation, abuse and violence
- discuss gender inequalities and homophobia
- explore what makes healthy relationships
The only way to protect young people is to ensure we have important conversations so they know about child sexual exploitation and violence, and understand that violence and exploitation is never acceptable.
This edition of Fink Cards helps create the conversations that are vital in raising awareness of these issues, and doing our duty in protecting young people.
Relationship Conversations helps young people understand that violence and exploitation is never acceptable; are able to give or refuse consent and to ask for help and advice when they need it.
Fink is passionate about conversation. We are on a mission to get people talking about the things that matter. We help families, schools, organisations and health care professionals start important conversations.
Yes, we accept purchase orders (PO's) from schools and organisations. Please email your order to sales@finkcards.com
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