Healthy Friendships
Help children develop and explore the skills needed to have positive and healthy friendships.
These cards will prompt conversations that will encourage children to look at the friendships they have now and how well they are working. They will also help children consider how to make new friends and how to solve problems within friendships.
48 conversations cards to help children
- develop and explore the skills needed to have positive and healthy friendships
- explore what they need to do to be a good friend
- look at the friendships they have now and how well they are working
Friendships are absolutely crucial to our happiness and they can be wonderful. They can also be complicated and at times difficult and upsetting. Having healthy friendships and knowing how to make them the best they can be is really important.
Learning to seek and maintain healthy relationships as a child is key to developing strong relationships in the future and making good relationship choices. Our relationships have a huge impact on our emotional health so it is vital to help our children develop and explore the skills needed to have positive and healthy friendships.
The cards can be used at home, at school and in youth groups. The questions can be easily modified to suit all age groups and are in four colour-coded categories
- Thinking about friendships you have right now
- How to make friends
- How to be a good friend
- How to manage friendships difficulties
Written by Becky Goddard - Hill, a parenting author and blogger. She is also a qualified psychotherapist with many years’ experience of working with children in regard to their health and well being.
Fink is passionate about conversation. We are on a mission to get people talking about the things that matter. We help families, schools, organisations and health care professionals start important conversations.
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